Our Services
Our services offer a range of hands-on renewable energy, climate change mitigation, low-carbon energy initiatives, and expert strategic advisory and research. .
What we do:
Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and Monitoring, Verification, and Transparency (MRV)
Advisory services for UNFCCC reporting
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
Low-carbon development
Renewable Energy
Planning and Resource Analysis
Project Development Studies
Project Evaluation, Monitoring, Assessment & Appraisal
Technology Research, Development, and Demonstration
Technology and Knowhow Transfer and Capacity Building
Policy Analysis and Formulation
Awareness Training and Capacity Building
Carbon Market.
Design and implement MRV systems and tools for domestic and international use
Prepare and report their GHG inventory and NDCs
Develop and execute energy roadmaps and carbon neutrality plans
Apply NAMAs and market mechanisms to reduce GHG emissions
Enhance resource efficiency and climate resilience
Access and mobilise climate finance
Advance the SDGs and low-carbon development
Implement renewable energy, energy efficiency, and clean cooking solutions
Build knowledge networks and capacity for climate action